
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

About "embracing the glorious mess that you are.."

It's okay not to be perfect.
Just do your best each and every day.
Now..I'll tell you something really silly.
As many of you know,I love writing and I've been writing about my protagonist(Liz)for almost 10 years now(jeez..I'm old!!). When I first created her I made it so she was everything I wanted to be in life when I was older. And I don't mean "just" a doctor,a wife and a mum.
Way more than that.
I made her kind,sweet,soft-spoken,relatively fit,good with people and kids,relatively pretty.
To the 12 year old me she was "perfect" and  represented my "goal" to reach in life.
She still does. I grew up and she grew up and developed with me,despite still representing my goals,she stopped being "perfect". In fact,without noticing,I started making it so she was more similar to a real person(maybe that person was me..whoops)rather than the result of my life goals mixed together into a character.
She started having flaws and imperfections. She started struggling.
She started getting mad from time to time and losing her mind.
She struggled in school and believed she wasn't enough to become a doctor.
To my dismay,she too started struggling with mental illness(depression and anxiety.) that I myself could cope with my own.
She became a real person.
I ditched the "perfect" idea I had of her and made it so she embraced "the glorious mess that she was"...and to be honest,that's helping me to do the same with myself.

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