Am I a control freak?
12:42 AMI cry. That's just something I do.
I always cry..for different reasons.
I cry when I'm super angry. I cry to release all my fears,anxieties and worries.
I cry when I'm sad and broken.
I'm crying right now and I'm not really sure why.
Maybe because of all the reasons I wrote above..maybe because of none of them. Maybe because of something entirely different..maybe because of no reason at all.
That's funny..because I never cry(nor cried when I was younger) when I fall and,let's say,get hurt. My mum worries every time I fall..but I just smile and get up right away.
<< Don't worry,I'm fine>> that's what I always say.
I am a tough cookie on the outside. I can pretend to be happy and to have everything under control.
On the inside however I'm a total mess. I don't know whether I've always been a mess or if I became one this past year.
I've always had my moments of summer late night hours where I couldn't sleep...all of these things.
My "moments" ..they're like old friends to me. I know them..they know me. We can live together..with each other. I can kick them out of my mind for a little bit. Or at least..I was able to do that.
Writing helped. Making up characters,lives,stories..places. Being transported into another world..into my little happy bubble on which I had control. Not having CP anymore..being beautiful and kind and smart. Having a nice job and a nice family. Of course,my characters too went through bad moments..but I mostly wrote about them being happy..with their simple yet perfect life.
Now writing doesn't really help anymore. Sometimes I find myself hating and canceling stuff I wrote months ago..happy scenes. I find myself hating those. I start crying and getting mad.
I know life and you can't have total control over it..the same control you have when you write something.
Sometimes I wish I had it.